campervan man

By campervan

First Blip for some time.

My last blips showed us celebrating our grandsons second birthday. What we did not realise at the time was besides the normal interests of a two-year-old like shouting eating and nappy filling, Jackson was also extremely interested in developing virulent biological weapons. He tested his latest development on us.
For the last four weeks we have both been laid low with quite severe chest infections and extreme tiredness. I am not too bad now but Sue has still got a really impressive cough.
Just to show that we really don't live and learn we are now going on holiday with the biological weapon and his parents. Hopefully we have some immunity to him unlike all the other people on the aeroplane and across Tenerife.This could be the start of a new epidemic of Jacksonitis.
If you find yourself laid low in the next few months with a mystery ailment you will now know where it came from.

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