Fest Noz

Alice and I went shopping this morning - we didn't see M until after lunch! Then he was busy practising clarinet ready for tonight's Fest Noz.

We cycled to Candice's house and met the new puppy (and I have the scar to prove it) and Alice spent the afternoon there and I took the long way home.

I had a major sort out and tidy up of Alice's toys, creations, art stuff, paper etc which has piled up everywhere. I can only do it when she's not here as she wants to keep everything of course. I'm making good use of the attic above the garage.

I did some ironing in front of the TV this afternoon. France 2 was showing a live broadcast of an air display at Salon de Provence. It seemed weird to watch the Red Arrows on French telly, however, they only appeared occasionally in a corner of the screen. The cameras favoured the French air display team walking out to their planes, with commentators talking about their anti-G suits etc.

I later changed the blip (from me and Alice on our trailer bike) to a photo of the Fest Noz (Breton for night party). M and his band opened the music, then he was able to sit and watch the rest of the evening. It's lovely to see all ages from young children upwards, all having a good time together. I'm not in this photo, but I did do some dancing! There was more going on in this photo. You can see the young musicians in the middle, with their bombardes, biniou (Breton bagpipes) and clarinets.

It was at the Plouézec salle des fêtes, in aid of the Paimpol school of music, so some of the pupils were providing the music, plus 3 more professional groups played traditional Breton music. We had billed it as a "party", but it wasn't long before Alice said "this isn't quite what I was expecting". It was still warming up when we left, and the professional bands hadn't even started yet (at 10.45).

I had to pay my entrance, but Alice (under 12) and M were free (musician). He got a free beer too :-)

Other photos and videos will appear on my blog. Alice has been very excited to still be up at past 11pm. Going to bed now!

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