Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

Herbs and a little competition.

After a morning at church and Sunday lunch at lunch time for a change, I headed off to my local independent garden centre.

They had run out of the free solar lamps, but I was given a mystery corm/bulb (see extra for bottom and top views).  It had been left at the tills with no label or other identifying feature and the manager didn't know what it was or where it came from.  It is about the size of a cricket ball and I now have planted it in a pot in the polytunnel.  So I'm open to any informed suggestions or wild guesses as to what it might be and, if it grows far enough to be identified, I will declare a winner.  :-)

After that excitement, I managed to repot all of the tender (and some not so tender) herbs that have spent the winter in the polytunnel.  I ran out of time to sow the beans into trays, but brought them home so I can do them tomorrow even if it rains as forecast.

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