
By FlyingPRGal

Beach combing

Beach combers in Hythe today. Enjoyed some tranquility in Sandgate on the beach but did not enjoy the biting wind on the walk to get there. Feels like Spring is a very long time coming.

I invited my friend (the ex beau) to join me for the walk. First time in a month we’ve seen each other longer than 5 mins. He was very touchy when I asked how things are going with living arrangements, job hunting, recovering his belongings from storage.

In the end I stopped asking and we stuck to him talking about the birds. I learnt that Cormorants don’t have oil in their feathers which is why they sit on posts drying them to avoid drowning.

It was nice to catch up for a short while but it felt sad. I’ll meet up again sometime but not too often. Trying to get on with my life and I can’t dwell on what might have been.

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