Reflections of Springtime Along Bald Eagle Creek

We had an appointment to get my Chevy Sonic inspected and the tires rotated and the battery and some other things checked. So my husband dropped me off at the wetland along Bald Eagle Creek while he went and took care of the car stuff.

This place used to be called Tom Ridge Wetland. It's been renamed Soaring Eagle Wetland. They have put in an accessible walkway and fishing pier, and a visitor's center is in the planning phases. On this day, there were several fishermen on the waters, and me.

The sky was full of amazing clouds, and both rain and snow seemed to be threatening us. A chilly breeze was blowing, and it felt more like winter than spring in the shade. But I was fortunate, and I did not need the umbrella I'd tucked into my daysack.

There are may apples starting now. I did not see any of the yellow toad lilies that were everywhere the last time I was there. Japanese barberry is growing along the banks now, which is not so great, actually: they are tick magnets. And we don't need any more of THOSE.

There were a bunch of tiny tracks, like hand-prints, in the mud along the creek. Most likely raccoon, in search of midnight snacks. I spotted bigger tracks by a rock, and thought they might be bear tracks. But upon looking them up when I got home, I think they are more likely dog tracks.

Above is a view of springtime reflections along Bald Eagle Creek, or as I like to think of it, the green shimmer. I got my chair out and sat in this very spot and looked at that view for the remainder of my time in the wetlands. I listened to my tunes and I knew I had my umbrella to put over me if it rained. I was happy here, down along the waterline.

I am drawn to waters.

My soundtrack song is Dire Straits, with Down to the Waterline.

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