
Not my usual relaxing cycle to work this morning.  There was a young man who had climbed over the barriers on the bridge I cross to work. I stopped to check he was ok.  He said he had had bad news, I asked him to climb back over and we could chat but he didn't want to come over to the safe side. I spoke to him for a while but was stupidly  running late for work so I called the police to let them know. Thankfully they called me back within 10 minutes and told me that he was safe. 

All the wildlings have had a good day at nursery and school.  The young wildlings had a lady come in and play the ukulele and do some singing.  I saw some lovely videos. Harp was excited too as her big cousin came into the nursery to have a play with the wee ones. 

They have been playing in the garden since they came home. The Jedi amazes me with his speech and what he comes out with. " mummy Rory, look at the dandelions.  I want to put them on ". I haven't taught him that they are dandelions so he's probably learned that from nursery.  And no idea why he called me " mummy Rory ". He associates people with what they wear , or if he sees a bald man then he calls them uncle. There is a proper name for that but for the life of me I can't remember.  

My poor in-laws had to rush over to Ireland yesterday.  Her brother had taken ill and sadly he has passed away. Thankfully she got there to see him. I never met him but we have kept in touch for the last 10 years. He was a lovely man. 

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