As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


Yep - still with the water drops.

Well I went out for the day to the tall ships thingy at Gloucester Quays. Far too many people for my liking - impossible to get anywhere at speed so I nipped up to the antiques place there and then legged it. I'm sure it was very successful for the powers that be if people numbers were anything to go by.

Whilst in Gloucester I did my usual rounds of the charity shops and my favourite junk/antique shop - and again didn't come home empty handed. Some old Beano comics, two 1930s newspapers, some old pretty cutlery and an old wooden ammunition box which I simply couldn't resist. Not a great deal spent and I don't care anyway :)

I couldn't be bothered to tidy away the water drop stuff when I got home so instead played with the flashgun. This time I put black tape across it so that only a narrow strip of light was visible and then played holding it at different angles. That amused me for quite a long time...........

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