People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Shitty weekend

I mean it quite literally. HD received a phone call from our basement tenant Sat morning with information that her shower and toilet are about to overflow. What followed was a 24 hour race to unclog the right pipe while not allowing the raw sewage to enter the living quarters. Fun included HD cutting his hand while reaching into the said substance (he forgot what he was dealing with for a slit of a second), multiple siphoning out the said substance into our back yard (!!!) with a garden hose, city workers coming out at 11 pm only for the power to go off city-wide shortly thereafter preventing them from getting anything done due to darkness, plumber's visit Sunday morning to clean one piece of pipe (city's machines were too powerful for the narrow plastic pipe connecting the house to the city main line), and extensive bleaching of basement bathroom.

To end Sunday on a happy note, I took LM for a bike ride (see above). The idyllic activity lasted only a little past when this shot was taken, as LM wiped out turning his knee into a hamburger patty (notice the fine, sharp gravel in the image).

However, all is well that ends well. Bathroom plumbing is fixed. HD figured out how to intercept the pipe in the back yard with an additional cleanout equipped with a floating cap which blows out when the pressure is too high (still needs installing). No infection on poopy-water dipped hand. A very good-looking busted knee to show off at school tomorrow.

How was YOUR weekend? :-) :-) :-)

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