Under The Bridge

I can’t help but think that the large chunk of stone next to the plastic barrier, should be attached to the top of the bridge. I definitely wouldn’t have liked to have been under the bridge when it came down!
After a session in the gym this morning, we set off to Chester after lunch. This is probably going to be our last overnight stay there, so we thought we’d make the most of the fine weather. We had to pop into town to pick up Mrs C’s Ruby Wedding present, which was being resized, but decided to walk the long way back to the flat, through the Roman Gardens and then along the river and around the racecourse. Very pleasant it was too, and we noticed that the fair had arrived so it must be Chester Races next week.
Though we haven’t been officially notified yet, it’s looking like the buyer is wanting to complete the week after next. So it’s all systems go as regards emptying everything out. The car will be crammed as full as possible tomorrow and we’re coming back next Tuesday to do a final clean and pack any remaining small items that we can’t manage tomorrow. Then it’ll be a trip down with the van on the Thursday or Friday to pick up things like the bed and settee.
It seemed to take ages to get to this point in the sale process but now it feels like we’re running out of time to get everything done before completion. I suppose it doesn’t help that we’ve got two Bank Holidays and a Coronation to contend with over the next fortnight, not to mention five gigs with the band!
I’m sure everything will work out in the end, but I think there’s a very busy fortnight ahead of us first.

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