An ellie adventure

I was tired this morning, husband went to work before I was up, as he had a meeting in Leeds, so was on an early train. The boys and I were doing just fine time wise, with the morning dog walk planned for after the school drop off. And then Ellie was lost...  somehow, at some point in the not very long morning, he was lost. So many tears from the youngest, and almost tears from me as the day was, in my tired view, going down hill whilst we spent 20 minutes looking for Ellie. We didn't find him (apparently it's a him). Tears all the way to school.

Dog got short changed for his walk. I was later for work than I wanted. 

So none of it was really a big issue.

And, I found Ellie at lunch time, stuffed into a toy truck. 

I took the dog out before dinner, the youngest asked me to take Ellie on am adventure, I thought enough had been had over recent days, but he was insistent, to I took him put on walk. 

And somehow, I've written an entire Blip about Ellie, maybe we need to get some more excitement in our lives! 

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