Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Spring has Sprung

An early morning private class online and then I headed off to meet my friend Nigel for coffee on Enrique Granados Street. Nice catch up, but I forgot to take a pic for blip. Warm enough to not take a jacket, just a long sleeved cotton top. I walked in the sun on the way there and sought the shade on the way home. Spring seems to have sprung, but as the saying goes here, ‘Don’t take your vest off till the 40th of May!’ Let’s see what the weather’s like here for the next few days. I saw that the south of Spain are expecting 40 degrees, the hottest on record for April!

I stopped off at a plant shop on the walk back along Diagonal and a few things leapt into my basket! Another stop at the little Lebanese place near our flat on Calle Ecuador and had a surprisingly good beef shawarma.

Aptis marking in the afternoon and then some test item writing.

My blip is at the corner of Calle Londres with Avenida Sarria.

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