Abstract Thursday

When I drew the curtains this morning I could see something odd on the front lawn. A white mass had a few white bits and pieces around it.

First thought - remains of a pigeon, but it didn't look feathery and the 'bits' too large.
Next thought - pile of fur after a cat fight, but it didn't look furry and there was far more of it than our neighbouring cats possessed.
I thought some more but could come up with no further suggestion.

It was when I went to bring in the bins that the truth emerged. The large white mass was a somewhat shredded food recycling bag. The 'bits and pieces' the remainder of its contents, cooked white cabbagey leaves and one-and-a-bit cooked French bean.

Obviously the work of a fox raiding the recycling bin - but not mine, those contents were not from our kitchen but taken from a bin out on the pavement. And, equally obviously, they don't like cabbage.

 I'd tidied the bag away before thinking to take a photo, however, the 'bits and pieces' have provided an Abstract Thursday entry for Natural Abstract, thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

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