Single Pigeon

The cage over the seed table is to stop larger birds (and squirrels) nicking all the bird food, but this pigeon doesn’t appear to have had the memo. The smaller birds do tend to scatter everything about when feeding, so I guess there are rich pickings to be had on the ground if you can reach them. By contrast, the blackbirds have ignored the seeds completely and saunter in and out of the hedgehog feeding station at will, feasting on any leftovers!
Quite a positive day today. I’ve sorted Andy and his van for next Thursday, and the auctioneers in Chester have agreed we can drop a couple of items off with them for inclusion in the next sale, so that’s a bit less to bring back to Kendal. Of the stuff we brought back from the flat yesterday, some has been binned, some listed on Facebook Sell and Seek (Dinner Service already gone) and tentative homes found for most of the rest.
This time next week we will have an empty flat, but a very full house. Hopefully, homes can be found for the settee and bed before we go on holiday, but we may have to put up with them cluttering up the lounge for a few weeks if a quick sale is not forthcoming.

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