campervan man

By campervan

It's probably just in my head but

It's a beautiful scene, the sky and the sea are both deep blue, the waves are crashing on the rocks, the sun is shining and it's wonderfully warm. It's almost a perfect scene. But the sand is black and that is just not right. It feels all right and it behaves like normal sand but it's just not right.
My Blipping right now is very one-sided as internet access is patchy. I have refused to pay the reintroduced roaming charges, one of the many benefits of brexit, so I just get linked when I can. One of the other benefits of brexit I have found is the necessity to pay £307 health and travel insurance for a week; this would previously have been free.
Rant over, I'm going off to find some food because it must be breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack time in one of the restaurants

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