Every Picture Tells .....




I was up just after 06:00 in order to pack a few more things before the removal company arrived. They turned up on time and commenced loading at 09:00. A second van with more removal men arrived mid-morning.

It was a stressful morning as we had not, at the time, exchanged contracts on the sale of our house in Greetland. A crisis occurred mid morning when we ran out of teabags. A second crisis occurred when the flooring contractors who are working at our house in Wales rang me to say that they were in danger of running out of material. As it was imperative for them to finish the flooring today, I offered to drive down to Wales with some flooring planks from their Elland showroom. 

So a drive down to Wales with the material. Two pieces of good news on the way. The solicitors rang to say that contracts had been exchanged with our buyers and then Harriet rang to say that she had been successful in a job interview and will be working as a Clinical Teaching Fellow in the 12 months from August.

I dropped off the flooring planks at our house in North Wales and then headed back to a virtually empty house in West Yorkshire. I took the photo of the bridge at Scammonden on the way home.

We still had some cleaning and other jobs to do but by 10:00 pm we decided to call it a day and head down to Wales so we could be at the house when the removal men arrive on Thursday morning. So, another 100 mile drive down to Wales at 11:00 pm.

Absolutely shattered!

320 miles of driving
23,388 steps

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