So wet

It rained all night and day and will continue to rain all night. There is no river in my backyard though. Last year I was so frustrated with the mulch because every rain it would float and I’d have to uncover the Irish moss and Mitchella repens. I considered not using it this year and yes, I know, mulch is so valuable, But I learned that double shredded mulch meshes together and is less apt to float off. So far so good. There is no river in my backyard, the Irish Moss is uncovered. 

Ukraine is nearly ready to launch its counteroffensive. Over 98% of the promised combat vehicles have been delivered. 

There is a video of a Russian YouTuber, Alex Smirnoff,  hitting himself in the face with a Swedish anti-tank weapon. He was holding it the wrong way. Why, if you do something stupid, do you post a video of you doing something stupid? Because he was so stupid he didn’t realize he was the one who messed up. He thought it was bad ammunition. 

There is an annual Scandinavian Soldier’s March?? It took place today in DC. 160 soldiers and civilians marched to show support for Ukraine. They started at the Danish embassy and ended at the Finnish embassy. 

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