The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Three Blind Mice

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I was in the office today. Someone sitting near me was on calls most of the day. VERY LOUDLY.

The Boss looked at me and shook his head, “they could bring that down a little,” he grumbled.

“They need to invent software where people just silently mouth what they want to say and it’s converted to audio for people on calls,” I mooted.

“Nah,” said The Boss “It’s really annoying seeing people mouthing but not knowing what they are saying.”

I turned and mouthed something to him.

He heard me loud and clear!

After work, I went for a couple of drinks in The Hanover Tap as it was a colleague’s leaving night before heading off to meet Kitty Cat and Dee. We went to The Playhouse to see The Mousetrap which was excellent. I would tell you about it but we were sworn to secrecy!


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