New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Veg in

Back to the food bank to volunteer today, it's looking pretty bare at the moment.  Luckily it has plenty of cash in the bank from donations,  but they're even short of pasta at the moment - food donations are down and customers are increasing.  I do enjoy it though, gives me a wee taste of my warehousing days, today was picking a couple of orders, sorting out the beans and canned veg, having a quick nip to Semi Chem to stock up on a few low toiletries and then bagging up washing powder.

Treated myself to a raspberry and white chocolate bun from the bakehouse for lunch, washed the car, then put my veg in.  The spinach was looking a little pasty after a few nights in the shed so hopefully it'll feel better now it's in the ground.   Bit of an experiment this year whilst we get used to the light in the garden but fingers crossed we get something.  The obelisk is the one I bought from the local nursery a couple of weeks ago - hand woven, locally coppiced and carried home on foot, that's what you call a low carbon purchase!

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