Grimly waiting

D had an unscheduled day at home yesterday, which was nice, but of course meant an early start this morning. I'd marked an assignment and done some chores before it was even time to head over to the market. Goodness me, it was cold - everyone complaining of it. Someone said they'd seen on the forecast that London was due to have max 19 deg C today, whilst Edinburgh could only manage a measly 9 deg.

Plants on the windowsill are grimly waiting for some warmth - chilli plants (two sorts) and some heritage variety of dwarf french beans. Oh, and some sweetpeas just poking their heads up and immediately regretting it. The orchid, on the other hand, just carries on.

Dealing with v unwelcome news from niece last night - cancer is such a bastard, creeping up on people like that...... Passed on the news as appropriate.

I find I am also spending a lot of time making lists/itineraries for next week.

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