Kini, Syros, Greece

A tribute to those lost at sea as Syros used to be the main port in Greece.
Started the day with a delicious breakfast - highlights were the homemade fig jam and marmalade and scrambled eggs with tomato and feta. I sat with an elderly man from Venice who was looking for a place to stay next winter to avoid the damp - we had a nice chat. After that I wandered the streets, bought some t shirts as it was warmer than expected, and also got local olive oil and honey (which was expensive). I hope it’s good! I dropped all of this back at my accommodation then got a juice and took the local bus to the village in this photo. It took the long way around the coast which was a nice trip. Annoyingly when I got to the village I realised most of my money was in the bag I’d left behind - I separate it to minimise any loss not that it was an issue on this island. No sitting at a nice beachfront cafe! But the beach was nice, dipped my toes in the water and sat on the sand. The bus came 3 hours later and we were back in 15 minutes. The villa owner asked why didn’t I call for they would’ve come up with a solution. So kind.
Dinner was in a local taverna then I sat out on my balcony to enjoy the evening. Another good day.

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