No filters....just soap and water

Inspired by an article I read about Bogdan Chesaru who creates fantastic macro images from soap bubbles, I thought I would have a go myself this evening.

Lightbox, wire loop, soap solution and black card.


Difficult because just as you get the camera focussed with the hand that ISNT holding the wire dipped in soap solution, the bubble quite often bursts!!!

However, for a first attempt I am pleased with the results. There is a montage in there, and one of the original shots showing the bubble, frame and setup so you can see how I did it (in my own kack-handed way!)

And joy of joys - minimal post processing - crop and level adjustments, no changes to saturation, and a little use of unsharp mask.

Not sure that this is the best one of the bunch - you decide from the others on the link above. But Corin chose this one, and I am not one to offend him by ignoring his choice :-)

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