
By momcat1

palm waller

Montezuma's ponds were full this time . but the majority of ducks were gone.There were mostly green winged teals and Northern Shovelers around with and occasional mallard and ring necked duck and I think one buffle head and one or two blue wing teals. ( shovelers in extras)
There were a few warblers- the ones that show up early- the palm warbler, quite a few yellow rumped and one lone yellow warbler. We didn't see any earlier in the week at Sapsucker , but then they have had to take down so many dead ash  I worry that they won't get many for a long time. 
There were quite a few of the greater and lesser yellowlegs as well as two little semipalmated sandpipers. Very few herons , usually a staple but the water was deeper than usual. all in all a good birding day , following my morning at the VA getting further through the interminable hiring process , followed by a quick stop at the airport to apply for  TSA precheck. 

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