More Tulips

Bank Holiday May Day started with BP even though it was a BH.  I didn't like the routine much but - hey ho, at least I did it.

Home to do some gardening.  OH had spotted some surplus block paving on a walk and after putting a note through the chaps' door agreed to buy the surplus (for a quarter of the price).  So he did four runs in the car today to collect the blocks and I helped him unload.  I also potted up James' tomatoes and did a bit more weeding and planting out.  Always my happy place.  It started raining around 2.00 (just as most folks would be laying out the BBQ and tucking into BH lunch) and I did a bit more in the greenhouse but came in for a shower.

Relaxing hour on the sofa reading gardening magazines.........think there is a bit of a pattern here?!

I had roasted a ham for dinner so jacket potato and salad completed a lovely day.

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