I left my daughter's at about 11am as I wanted to drive to the Gower and walk to Pennard Castle. 

When I got to the NT carpark at Southgate I  found that the pay machine didn't take cards, I'm not an NT member any more, I didn't want to download an app and I had no coins. I think the National Trust must be in league with the café, because I had to buy a cuppa in order to get change... but at least the toilets were uncomplicated!

I recognised the carpark and café as the one Mary lost and found her purse in when we climbed at Three Cliffs Bay in 2018, so it was nice to see the beach and cliffs again, albeit from higher up. 

It was a good walk, up and down over the sand duney paths with the sun mostly shining. There were a lot of people about, but it is a bank holiday. 

When I reached the ruins of Pennard Castle I was surprised and horrified to see a bloke climbing up the Grade 2 Listed walls, see collage. He was watched by his wife and sons and he had a bit of difficulty reversing his moves to downclimb... good grief, there's always one and I was concerned, but what can you do? It's most likely illegal to climb a Grade 2 Listed building, never mind the possibility that he would fall and damage himself, necessitating a Mountain Rescue callout... it doesn't bear thinking about. Luckily he got down okay, told his wife he was probably too stupid old for it and wouldn't do it again - it was a yearly routine apparently. At that point I started back to the carpark as I'd only been able to afford 2 hours of parking.

The journey home was okay, very crowded but the traffic kept moving... and relax!

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