A Very Personal Tradition.....

I created a tradition back in 1984 and I have observed it for all 38 Februaries of our marriage, plus the first February in our relationship when we were dating, making a total of 39!  I call it the Fourteen Days Of Valentines which I observe by giving my husband something for every day, February 1st through February 14th.  He will find the "something" somewhere and at sometime in his normal daily activities and there is always a theme.  The first year, the year that we dated, it was a series of  Valentine cards that I mailed to him, with notes on the outside envelope as to what date they should each be opened, because he was TDY out of the country and I didn't want him to forget me!  But the themes are not limited to cards.  As you see here, one year the theme was holiday ties that I bought after each holiday, when they were on clearance sales---I even found a light-up tie for St. Patrick's Day that year.  One year it was T-shirts of different designs.  Another year I bought him every heart-shaped utensil or dish I could find and still another year was coffees  and teas and one year it was Valentine-themed coffee cups.  Some years we had more disposable income than others.  But, it has always been a fun thing that I do for him and we have both enjoyed it for all these years and hopefully for many years to come.....I have put a color version of my blip in the extras.  Thanks to ApolloFly for hosting......

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