Such a beautiful day

This morning we were woken up by the sun shining brightly, so Ann made me get up at 7am and go trekking around for more than an hour. There's something really nice about empty beaches first thing in the morning. My human is just so happy when the sun is shining and she's walking on the beach with me. And if Ann is happy then I am happy. Even though she doesn't normally take my ball to the beach, I zoom around all over. I'm so happy and bouncy and everyone who meets me always remarks on what a friendly little Collie pup I am.

When we got home, Ann plonked herself down on her new rocking sun-lounger. …..................And stayed there for the next four hours. Lol!

The plan was to go for a swim this afternoon when the tide was in. Best laid plans and all that...................

Ann got a call from the manager of the 'Harbour Pool Club' (where she worked 5 years ago) asking if she could work a Thursday evening shift for the next few weeks. So instead of going swimming, she popped down to see him. Well, it's not every day you get 'head-hunted' at the age of 64 is it?

I went through the fields for my walk this afternoon and to be honest, Mr Sunshine is still shining brightly at 5pm, and it's still warm so there is absolutely no reason why Ann can't pop down to the beach now and do a bit of swimming. Apart from the fact that she's too lazy. Lying in the sun all day makes her sleepy, so she's going to pour herself a glass of wine and go back out into the sun. Apparently Mr Sunshine isn't going to be around for long so we have to make the most of him.

PS – Ann has arranged to meet a friend for a swim tomorrow afternoon. That will definitely happen, because once Ann makes a commitment, she sticks to it. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be going with her because they'll be no one on dry land to keep an eye on me. Booohooo!!

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