A Wonderful Surprise

As the forecast was for a dull but dry day, I did two lots of washing done this morning. Then I had a local company come round to give me a quote for installing an awning over the patio doors. I 'inherited' an awful one that you operated manually, was very dirty, and which had a scalloped edge that when wound back flapped about noisily in the wind in Winter - so that got taken out. However, the bungalow got so unbelievably hot last Summer that I thought I'd get a quote for one that folds back completely into it's cassette and you operate via a remote control - I'm not expecting it to be cheap!!!

I had to go over to Sheringham later this morning to go to Nationwide, it had turned into a lovely sunny day. I'd just taken this photo for blip after arriving, when I spotted D & M walking along in the opposite direction.  I worked in a small senior management team with D for 6 years, but I haven't seen him for 12 years. We worked together very well as a team and it was an enjoyable time. M also joined the Department shortly before I left. They're in Norfolk for a holiday, I had to do a 'double take', it's so strange when you unexpectedly see people out of context. We had a wonderful catch up and coffee for 2 hours and had a good laugh reminiscing. What a lovely surprise that was. 

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