How's Yowe?

A lovely day, breezy and some good sunny spells.  Flat calm this evening, and clear skies. 

Up early, got my garden and house chores done.  Mam and dad are still in Paris, so I popped down to check up on things, although Laura has been there everyday.  Nipped by Laura's for a cuppa.  Late morning and afternoon was spent in the peat hill.  I've finished casting the top layer of peat.  I've been working in the shop this evening, and I've never stopped, super busy with the fine evening.  Feet up now, surely I'll sleep well tonight.  

Bandit, the greenhouse and the sheep are all doing well.  I had been in the field with the sheep, taking photos of the lambs on the neighbouring croft, when this two came up to me, had a sniff and even allowed me to scratch both their noses and ears.  A friendly pair, and must be getting to know me now.  Still no signs of any lambs coming from them, still two weeks to go.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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