...and It's Gone....

I'm an equal opportunity grandmother, so I decided to post the companion picture to yesterday's Little League shot of Peter connecting with the ball. * Looks like it's going to be a ground ball and the catcher has a better chance of catching it if he opens his eyes....

We are celebrating Peter this week as he is about to embark on a career teaching high school math.  Although he majored in Computer Science, I don't think his heart was ever in it. When he found out about a program for getting a teaching credential while teaching full time, it sounded more like what he wanted to do. He just received a job offer teaching math at Petaluma High School, and I think he will be a wonderful teacher. (He did ask me not  to mention that I was his grandmother if anybody called me for a reference.)

After a week of temperatures in the 80's that seduced us into believing that we had gone straight to summer without having much spring, we are now back in winter again. A cold front from the north is bringing with it a 20 degree drop in temperatures, rain and blustery winds...another one of those days where the moment we go outside to walk the dog or work in the garden it rains again. It will be 'unsettled'  all week, we're told by the weatherman. 

John's computer has been pronounced dead and the data in it can't be retrieved without a 48 character code to unlock it, a code he never knew existed in the first place. He's going to take it back to the store where he bought it without a lot of hope that they will still have the number, but he'll have to buy a new one anyway.

*Looking at the bat, does bring up one more family baseball story. After an entire career with Easton Baseball,  son Matthew is now second in command at Rawlings, which merged with Easton a few years ago. The boys had a steady supply of bats from Uncle Matt throughout their baseball careers.

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