If You Could See Me Now


Deep Breaths.

I tell people that to make them smile, or just annoy them more when they are in a bad mood.

I tried it today, and it works.

My afternoon was a bit weird.

I was in a funny mood, sometimes I wonder if I had a multiple personality disorder.

Was feeling kinda cruddy on the way home, just getting down on myself about stupid things, like having a bad blip.

Found a dandelion, held it up to the sun, and it looked like this :)

Continued to mope on the way home,

Got home.

Phone rang.

It was Lisa's Mum asking if I would like to take photos for her wedding.

O. M. G.

Now I really feel that someone somewhere is trying to keep me happy - this is twice now that something magical like this has happened when i'm feeling really sad and self-conscious.

Friday tomorrow, and I'm pumped :)

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