Click... click... BOOM!

By NoriMG


How did we get this far?

I started blipping shortly after I started university, and being a sparse blipper I don't count my milestones particularly. But I spotted this one, and it seemed appropriate that it fell on the day of the Heythrop Summer Ball. Last year's summer ball was the first ever Heythrop social event I ever attended. Although I'd been in college for a year, I knew next to no one and it was a bit of a big deal. I'm super glad I got the chance to do the year again (not that it has replaced the first one, but built upon it) and make of it what I have - there are regrets, but I am comfortable in my situation now, have a myriad of wonderful friends, and my days largely now come out for the better rather than for the worse. I have a lot to be glad about and for which to be greatful. And I am. My blip doesn't always tell most of the story of the past year to the outside world, it's more of a snapshot of moments - but it catches glimpses of where I am and where I have been, and it remembers them to me. I'm very excited to see where I go with this.

Also, I believe this is the first ever blip of me being a drunken idiot - lucky you.

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