things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

One of my fav views...

So, blip number 146 and I reckon it's about time I show you all where I live...this is a view high up where I go before work to see owls, hares, red grouse, lapwing, snipe, curlew etc etc.... It's fab up here, you can see for miles and miles in pretty much a 360 degree panorama.

Only had my big lens so the wrong one for views etc but you get the idea! I went for a circular walk, didn't see much today anywhere I went really, one of those days and most of my photos were rubbish too!...But I did see green hairstreak butterflies up here, tiny little bright green things, again wrong lens...

After all that I went home, did jobs and then went off to Old Moor...managed to sort of take a flying avocet and sort of take a common blue damselfly, but whatever, lovely to see both.

Here's my Sunday RSPB blog, definitely worth a look for the amazing photo that's at the bottom of the page, sedge warbler eating flies...stunning!

Viewed in large is SO much better, it draws you in :)

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