Ruby, an American Red Squirrel

Ruby and perhaps her mate Rufus were on the back step this morning, entertaining Fianna & Raven. She was most annoyed with Rufus daring to share the step with her and eat HER peanuts. They both successfully scared off several gray squirrels and chipmunks and they steadily devoured the peanuts. At one point Rufus got a bit too close to Ruby's stash, you can see and unfocused shot of their tussle. They got right back to munching after the fight, still facing each other warily. They were both starring on CAT TV, two black cats were tuned in at the backdoor.

"The most noticeable characteristics of the American red squirrel are the tail and the eye ring. The tree squirrel's tail is bushy and dark red with hints of a white outline. The eye ring is a thick, white circle around the rodent's black eyes. American red squirrels are about 12 inches and have grayish, red, or rust-colored fur with a white belly. Sometimes a black stripe can be seen on the sides." The National Wildlife Federation

For the Record,
This day came in with clouds, a few raindrops and rays of sun. No hummingbirds yet!!

All hands happy

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