Birthday gifts to be wrapped .

An EB as the photo that captures today’s golden moment, when Freya met two of our closest friends Peter and Polly, shows Freya’s face so I can’t use it . It was a lovely moment though , we took Freya out for a snooze and took the opportunity to deliver a birthday present. We had tea in P and P’s garden and when she woke up we introduced her formally.
She was remarkably chilled seeing as she has hardly left her Momma’s side since she arrived .
Instead I’ve blipped some juicy looking books that I’ve bought as gifts. The observant will notice that two of the books are from the library, I have already wrapped several copies of each which I hope will be well received .
Earlier I scalded an area of tender skin on my wrist which has been smeared with coconut oil, clad with a paper towel and cling film and worn as a fashion accessory throughout the day held in place by a wrist warmer. It really hurt !
Later, we went to the cinema to see , The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry , beautifully crafted and skillfully composed, staying true to the book . I was very moved and sniffled most of the way through. Definitely worth going to see , quite cathartic in its own way .
And now to bed , an early start tomorrow I believe , involving leaflets through doors reminding people to vote ! (And to think that many gave their lives in order to secure the vote for every UK adult )

I will end with these three statistics from Private Eye ,

2 million people ineligible to vote due to lack of photo ID

7 allegations of personation fraud at polling stations in last years local elections.

0 number of allegations for which any evidence was found .

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