
By scharwenka

Plagiarism with Wisteria

Just now the wisteria is in bloom
All before my little room;
And in my flower beds near the growers,
Smile the tulips and the wallflowers;
And from the borders, well I know,
Soon the poppies and the marigolds shall blow.

Well, it's all true, although perhaps not how the poem was originally intended to go...

But this is definitely wisteria in bloom, and the little round porthole window over the front door is one looking into my little room: my study, where I am writing this.

However, the building is not a vicarage, but a house that is our nice home, although we know the inhabitants of the vicarage in question quite well: the female occupant was a professional colleague of mine for many years.

Just in case Rupert Brooke would be unduly offended, I have shown that the syringa vulgaris (order Oleaceae) is also in bloom. This is a widely loved flower, but its elusive scent is difficult to capture in a bottle (the little-produced perfume from the flowers costs $100,000 per kilo!)

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