His and Hers ...

I have had a stressful day today (even Eric has been rubbing his head) our cooker broke on Saturday so I had to order a new one it arrived this morning which I thought was quite quick, Eric started to unpack it and when he had you had never seen anything like it, it looks liked it had been dropped from a great height it rocked back and forth more than a seasaw.

So I telelphoned the company and they are going to come and pick it up next Tuesday ( next Tuesday I say).

I decided to order another one (a different make this time of course) to be told the delivery date will be the 19th June, grrr.

What a crappy day ( and thats putting it mildly).

Oh and on top of that my Sumo hard drive will not load up and it has all my images on SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

So this is the nearest I got to some shoe shot, I gave the neighbour her shoes back and told her I would have another go when I got my dining room back.

I hope you are all having a better day than me, haha.

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