Hotel Rendezvous

We had a day in Skipton today exploring to see where we might like to live. It was perfect sunny weather and such a nice change from the cold wet weather we have had for the last couple of weeks.

- Viewed a house on Linton Court but we decided it wasn't right for us. 
- Went for a cup of tea in Keelham Farm shop to discuss. 
- Parked up next to Funkirk Cottage to see what it was like on the outside and we immediately thought yes, this is ideal.
- Drove to Carleton, the nearest village to check it out. Major Coronation street party going on.
- Explored the east side of Skipton, Spence Grange which was still being built and  the Moorviews.
- Went for dinner at Wildwood Pizza on the High Street.
- Strolled round Skipton in the warm evening.
- Checked into Hotel Rendezvous and had drinks in the bar.

Orla and Conor had an ice cream whilst we had drinks in the very retro bar in Hotel Rendezvous. We watched some of the Coronation concert at Windsor Castle on the MacBook. Conor preferred to sit outside as seen in the photo and there was a fireworks display visible in the distance.

Unfortunately the rooms were two floors apart so Dad stayed with Conor whilst Mum stayed with Orla.

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