First Light on Roy

It was cold this morning. I noticed it and didn't venture upstairs 'till I heard the heatpump start and even then there seemed to be a delay until the music started.
You would need to return to my very first day of blip on 1st Jan last year to understand about this.
Actually The Boss had knocked the iPod out of it's dock when trying to find a hanky in the middle of the night.

The reason for the chill was not revealed until The Boss wandered out of the bedroom and noticed the snow on the Roy Range, shot into his studio and grabbed his camera, shot out the front door and after trying to photograph radio antennas on Hills End, turned to come back into the warm and noticed this. If I had been out there as well the process would have been a lot faster but I was not moving. I was comfy thanks and there was no need to move until the lid went on the marmalade jar.
Tussock note...
The marmalade jar is not the regular one which sort of makes a mid range clonking noise when the lid is replaced BUT a giant one. Probably the biggest marmalade jar in the world which was presented to The Boss by the lovely "D" (who unfortunately likes cats too) when he came up with a solution to her broadband woes. D knew about The Boss's weakness. Errr The marmalade one, and to cut to the to bark...The lid makes a deeper more robust clunk.
So you may well ask what has all this got to do with anything...Ahhh well I get fed after everyone else. Dog rule No1. And the last thing that happens in this department involves The Boss and Marmalade.
Get it?
Got it?

Monday, and walkies with the "B" team which was local as The Boss's phone was showing the cutest photo of a sno man so they decided to keep within emergency running distance of the Cheeky Monkey Café in case it (the phone) was right. It (the phone) was not entirely right as the sno did fall but on the other side of the lake to where we were walking..Kinda around this photo, without the moon...So to bark.


PS...No you can't have 'The Tree'. Sorry it's ours...Go away...Grrrrrrr!
But thanks for all the really nice comments tho.

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