Monet's Garden (er).

Spent the morning in Giverney.  I’d been promising Anniemay for years that I’d take her to visit Monet’s garden.  It’s about 60 miles from Paris, so we were up before breakfast to join a coach trip along with many, many other pensioners.  I think it’s the first time I’ve been on a coach since school.  And like school, we had a Miss (or rather Mme) to tick our names off her list and stick identifying labels on our coats in case we got lost.

By the time we got there, the coach park was full.  As was the car park. The plan was that she would take us all into the gardens and then we were free to wander, or join her for a guided tour.  

We didn’t even make the first part.  Outside the entrance a rather nice cafe was just opening up and as we’d missed breakfast, we bunked in there first for a coffee and croissant. (Delish..btw).  We eventually tagged on the end of another coach party and made our way in.

The gardens are stunning.  Absolutely beautiful.  I had to put the camera away for a while and just look.  Too many flowers and too many people to do it justice.  Eventually I spotted the man who looks after it and so he’s my main blip.  I’ve included a couple more in extras to give you a flavour of the place if you’ve not been.  And one of the gift shop (Monet, Monet, Monet).

We were back by early afternoon and planned to visit the Eiffel Tower,  As we joined the queue for tickets, we were informed that the waiting time to actually buy the tickets was 2 hours.  We gave up after about half-an-hour and wandered over to the Jardins du Trocadero.  As we crossed the River Seine we noticed people standing in the midst of six lanes of traffic posing for selfies and photos. 

Finally in keeping with the artistic nature of the day, my camera had made an impression of the Eiffel Tower.

See Anniemay for more

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