Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

Today felt like summer.
Warm, slow and easy.

Nick and I dipped in and out of Murron's school fayre. I bought more plants and Nick rolled his eyes. Our neighbour has given me some of the large stones from his cottage after he removed a wall and I want to build an alpine bed with it. Perhaps I will fashion somewhere to sit instead with tenacious plants growing from the spaces inbetween. Maybe both. As you can see I am undecided. But I like thinking about it.

Murron went kayaking in the afternoon with Catriona and I continued to potter in the garden. Sam joined me for a while and Rowan missed her bus home after spending the day with Scott and realising she had lost her phone AGAIN. Once again a very kind person found it and met up with Rowan to give it back. That phone of hers has nine lives.

We ate outside which made me very happy.

Nick retired to the pub to watch the football and I went to bed early stretching out in the whole bed just because I could.

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