La vida de Annie

By Annie

Una maraña de cables y nervios.

Today was more or less a repeat of yesterday, except that the new boiler was fitted (and works!) but the brand new aircon unit doesn't. The electricians had circuit boxes open all over the house (mostly behind heavy furniture), and had taken the door off the room containing the cupboard which housed the boiler in order to replace it. The cupboard also housed lots of out of season clothes and equipment, which ended up piled in the living room, accompanied by a road bike which normally lives in the hall - too expensive to leave outside, apparently. The old water tank leaked all over the room, hall and bathroom so that was fun. The dogs made a bed of the clothing, so they were happy. I attempted doing a load of washing, but of course it started raining heavily for the rest of the day. The electricians have conceded defeat and have left after I got them to put the door back on, but we couldn't face the stress of another massive upheaval tomorrow, so told their boss we would be out tomorrow and busy over the weekend. Busy regaining our sanity, that is. 

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