Wet Wednesday

Yesterday the school got THE call.  Yes, we have Ofsted in.

I did join an online meeting yesterday with the head but was quite relieved it wasn’t my working day to deal with all the pre Ofsted madness. Although I was in school by 7.15 this morning. They choose certain subjects for a ‘deep dive’ i.e a bit more thorough. One being P.E so Josh had a full on day with meetings and two observations.  Another being reading and I had to pop into the inspector and hear a little girl read.  I think I did ok…. As did the little girl lol.  The type of inspection is called an ungraded one ~ they are looking to see if we are still good.  If they feel we are more outstanding or requires improvement then they come back for a fuller inspection at another time lol. They are only with us for 2 days and, as I’m writing this a couple of days later, all seems to be ok but we don’t hear for another month or so.

 Leaving school a bit later than usual, I had to wait a bit longer as we had a bit of a storm overhead.

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