Just the Withers......

By JaneW

So many hats .. So little time ..

One more sleep ... Until Armageddon ..
Lucy and I just sorted the hat bag and put some aside for the charity shop and kept our favourites ... This is just a small selection of our hats.
Up and out early with Wiggy and our dogs this morning ... Then off to the evil supermarket for supplies of the E-number kind .. I purchased a pair of jeans from the hellish shop and upon trying them on at home it transpired that they made me look as if I had a tiny penis. Safe to say they have been returned ..Mr W took pity on me and took me shopping where upon we found trousers with no penis look and a pair of shorts .
It's 7.30 and we have made a half hearted attempt to pack but HOOK is on TV and now we are watching that ...
No matter we can pack up tomorrow it never really takes that long anyway as I know just what we need ... After coffee and a sit down of course ;)

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