
By Mek

3 Winged Bridge

I went to Elm Bank tonight to blip the other bridge there. Last night's bridge was the entrance bridge. Tonight's is the exit bridge. I spoke with a nice gentleman there who was interested in my dog. Turns out he was the head grounds keeper for the past 7 years. He, and about 26 others, were laid off this past fall with the budget crunch. He was overseeing an event tonight. He told me that this is an old bridge. He called it a 3 winded bridge and said there were only about 3 of them left in Massachusetts. I tried looking up some information on it to share with you. I wasn't successful. Here is the bridge though. I was successful there.

This is the kind of place I will bring my dog and my guitar and play music (when she is better behaved!). It is SO beautiful!

A new movie named something like "The Ghosts of Old Girlfriends" was filmed here.
This place might have to be one of my themes!

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