I had to be out the house this morning as preparations were made.
I went and had a manicure….now I have gold glittery nails…ready to party. Then I went for a full English and a read in the cafe.
When I got home…there were banners, balloons, a birthday sash and a tiara!!!! Guests arrived slowly through the day which meant there was plenty of time to chat to everyone. These are just a few photos taken….

#with my eldest who made a funny speech!!
#4 generations …my mum, my sister, 2 of my nieces and my great niece
#with an old colleague and her partner who I haven’t seen in over a year.
#with one of my golden girl friends…we had an arm round a space she should have been in!!!
#me after the confetti bomb went off… so happy.
#me and mum
#with my 2 college friends I lived with for 4 years 40 years ago…one is Js godmother.
#with The Rev who planned this fabulous extravaganza
#my crazy tennis friends one 2nd from right had walked a 10k for CRUK…and she’s still fighting it.
I’ve had a great day with a real mix of friends and family (my “local” girlies were on holiday in Marrakesh) …we had wonderful food and a great cake…thanks chef O.
L (a golden girl) and S & partner (my college friend) stayed the night too which made the day last longer.
18 & 19 /60

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