
By Hanulli

Are you Okay?

Tony was on his morning patrol through the garden, when he spotted this tiny wild bee in a geranium blossom.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Slowly the tiny bee answered: "Yes, I was sleeping in this blossom over night, but it was freezing cold. Now I need some time in the gentil morning sun to thaw ;-)"
"Just call me if you need help", Tony offered his assistance and continued his patrol.
When he returned later in the morning, the little bee was gone.
She was busy buzzing at the blossoms ;-)

Reminder: The tag for TiPS,  the stage for stories about the adventures of all kinds of tiny figures is TiPS2023. Share your creative entries with other lovers of tiny people  and have fun :-D

Thank you so much for your lovely reactions for the touching present from my kids for Mother's Day :-D

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