Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


I had intentions of going on a wellness walk this morning, but my calendar reminded me it was haircut day. So popped to the supermarket briefly and back in time - daughter and Austin already at home.

Haircut for myself and daughter, just a trim and a catch up - 6 weeks flies and usually lots to catch up on with my hairdresser.

After lunch, impromptu visit to my sister, stayed for about a drink and chat then back home ready for a shopping delivery.

This evenings walk with the dogs was local (neither able to go far), but chosen by Oscar today. Walking back home, I spied some blue flowers in with some long grass. They looked stunning, such a vibrant blue, lovely.

[Internet confirmed they are Cornflowers - A double-flowering form of the traditional bright blue cornflower, ‘Double Blue’ performs wonderfully as a cottage garden annual].


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