
By appertunity

Light & dark together

My response to this article was quite measured really ;-)

Liberty on Telegraph reporting of EDL

"Absolutely ridiculous twaddle, the BNP, EDL & to a lesser extent UKip are not legitimate political organisations, any more than Bakri's Al-Muhajiroun group was (they are much more likely to be banned as Choudary's thankfully has been), neither form of hate represents the majority of British muslims, christians, hindus, atheists, agnostics etc etc who stand with the Muslim community in condemning extremism, racism & hate speech (both in & outside of the religious community) in all its forms from the tragic murder of a proud British soldier, who leaves behind a two year old who will now only know his father through his legacy - a legacy that should be one that heals, where lessons are learnt, not one that inflames & harms, if only for his sons sake (Its ironic when for 100s of yrs Muslim soldiers have valiantly served, fought and died as part of the British Armed Forces) by mentally unhinged Islamists claiming Islam as their inspiration (I'm not defending Islam as an agnostic I view all unquestioning belief as a scourge) to the vitriol of ignorant misplaced hatred and wanton violence displayed by these uneducated yobs making nazi salutes in the street reduced to petty name calling whilst wearing balaclavas & ironically wanting to ban the burka (yes a horrible ridiculous garment when forced on women but a garment of clothing which we should have a right to wear if we are not to further erode one of our greatest rites, our own freedom to choose).

The article is an outrageous opinion piece by someone wishing to fan the flames of an already inflamed situation.

Condemn extremism in all its forms & voice your opinion about the evils of religion as it is a valuable service & much needed as the light of reason always will be, but don't pick & choose sides.

Be against hatred of any form.

We the British people in all our diverse communities, we work together, we live together & stand together against all forms of extremism, hate speech & violence.

Disgusting article but I respect your right to bring it to people's attention."

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