Gifts Galore

"Thank you  "Uncle" Dave, neighbour friend recently arrived from the UK,  for my present. I wasn't sure about the squeaker at first, but now I've decided that I like it a lot. My 'mummy' also says thank you for her gifts of Bisto cheese sauce, Cadbury's Hot Chocolate, and Cathedral Cheddar as well as the yummy Cadbury's chocolate gifts and doggy treats you donated for CoDA's next fund raising raffle to support the local street animals and those in the council shelter which of course is where I came from, nearly a month ago. I hope I behaved myself ok this afternoon when I was left on the balcony for a couple of hours whilst M went back to the horrid dentist  although she told me later that it was much better than Tuesday's experience. We both had a really quiet evening in front of the TV,  along with the cats Harry, Cleo and Nelson. I continued to chew my pink bone and M chewed on paracetamol, pasta and beer.  I like my new life. "

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