
By gennepher

Sweet Cicely

Wildlife nighttime video
Fox & Badger & Cats - a busy night - Midnight watches

Miss Fluffy, the baby sparrow I saw for the first time yesterday, made a heck of a racket when back in the nest yesterday. She didn't stop cheeping. Then I realised there was a second cheep, slightly out of synchronisation with the main cheep, every so often, then the cheeps synchronised again (the wonders of a cochlear implant - I'm not so good with people voices, but I can identify how many birds are in a nest demanding food!). So, Miss Fluffy must have a sibling. This morning Miss Fluffy is out and about and demanding food off her parents, who are both enjoying their new found freedom and chasing each other...

Creative is a digital painting of Sweet Cicely in my garden, you can sweeten rhubarb with that...

Time for a cuppa, a nap, then start the day.

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